Thursday, June 05, 2008

Interesting study follows up on closure of horse slaughter plants

The last of the U.S. horse slaughter plants - Cavel - closed last year. The plant was located in my state of Illinois. I was never asked to represent anyone in those proceedings, but followed the legal battle just out of interest. Now, the Animal Law Coalition has compiled a survey of equine abuse following Cavel's closure and came up with some unexpected results.

Read more about the study here... (Yes, I realize this is a link to a PR feed, but I still think it is worth a look.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The harsh reality about horse slaughter is that sometimes these people just want to get rid of the animal and do not try to contact the proper authorities for help. So many times horses go to a killer sale because the owners were not educated on the alternatives for unwanted horses in their area.